Kampuran päähän on samanlainen Shovelissa vuodesta 1970 1985 asti (silloinkin sai vielä Shovelia vaikka EVO tuli 1984).
Laatikon pääakseli taitaa ratkaista asian.
There are 4 length 4-speed mainshafts used over the years. The mainshaft held 4 gears inside the transmission but extended out through the left side in order to accommodate the clutch hub and the clutch package. The 1941 to 1964 mainshaft was the shortest of the 4 and was used exclusively for kick-starts. The transmission casing in these years had a smooth left side appearance since there was no attachment mechanism for the tin primary system which hung at the rear off an oil tank and frame bracket. In 1965, a slightly longer shaft was required both for the transmission mainshaft and the engine sprocket shaft to accommodate the newly introduced electric start system. Since the aluminium primaries were also introduced in 1965 to accommodate the electric start a new attachment design was required because they were heavy. Harley also desired some rigidity so the engine and transmission couldn't flex wherever the internal forces took them. Three front bolts attaching the primary to the engine casing were replaced by 4 in 1970. The 3-bolt 1965-69 system was superior since two of the 4 bolts later on were through tabs that easily cracked and broke on the 4-speed models. The transmission casing was redesigned externally on the right, primary side in 1965 with heavy-duty lug appendages with 4 studs. The inner primary fit over these studs and was affixed with 4 locking nuts. The inner primary was able to rigidity while containing an oil bath and supporting electric-start components..huge steps forward. 5-speed primaries were thicker, stronger and better reinforced from the get-go in 1980. In 1970 with the advent of the alternator charging system again required the need for slightly longer transmission mainshaft and engine sprocket shaft. The longest 4-speed shaft was used from late 1984 to 1986 rear belt drive models. It was much longer as it incorporated the wet diaphragm clutch.Early 1984 Shovel and Evo 5 speed mainshafts were a hybrid, which accepted the dry clutch hub package.
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